The webinar, co-hosted by Panasonic, TNO and Zattoo, focuses on the HbbTV OpApp as the standard for a virtual set-top box (STB) inside the smart TV set, experiences with the solution and the benefits for market players. The presentations are followed by a Q&A session.
Key topics:
Main features of the OpApp specification
What’s in the pipeline for OpApp version 2
Benefits for the different stakeholders
How to get started with OpApps
How to deploy an Operator App
Converting an OTT app to an HbbTV OpApp
How does an OpApp look in practice?
OpApps and regular HbbTV apps
OpApp: A win-win for operators, content vendors, device manufacturer and consumers
Rachel Mischke (Product Consultant / PO Smart TV, Zattoo)
Pavel Verkhovskyi (Engineering Director, Zattoo)
Teun van der Veen (Senior Consultant, TNO)
Martin Fähnrich (Manager, Standardisation, Panasonic Business Support Europe)
Dr Jörn Krieger, Freelance Journalist
A recording of the 1-hour webinar is available on our YouTube channel. The presentations are available for download as PDF documents: Teun, Rachel and Pavel, Martin.