United Kingdom
General Information (Last Update end 2023, source Dataxis)
Market in Volume
- Population 67.3 mln
- Number of TV households 28.3 mln
- TV sets installed base 48.0 mln
- Smart TV installed base 21.6 mln
- Smart TV installed base 77% of HH
- Addressable households on HbbTV devices 13.3 mln
- Addressable households on HbbTV devices 47% of HH
Market in Value – Total TV revenues (FTA + Pay TV)
- Total TV network revenues 8,211.8 in mln EUR
Market Structure – Top Broadcasters by Market Share (% of total TV network revenue)
- BBC 28.8%
- Sky UK 28.4%
- ITV UK Broadcaster 18.7%
- Channel 4 9.4%
- Other broadcasters 14.8%
Addressable TV Market Status (souce: Dataxis, April 2023):
At the end of 2022, addressable TV advertising on HbbTV or on set-top boxes had been launched in just 17 countries across Europe. It came with some serious restrictions in a handful of these countries, limiting addressability to catch-up services only. Over a decade after the launch of Sky AdSmart in the UK, more than 5 years after the first addressable TV campaigns aired in Belgium, and just 2 years after the long-awaited launch of segmented TV in France, it’s time for a market review across the region.
The UK is by far leading the addressable TV industry: with its well-established solution AdSmart, it secures more than half of the sector’s revenues across the continent. AdSmart is proven to be a rolling success, and despite limited growth over the last few years as the product is already quite mature, it paved the way for what addressable TV stands for and should look like. It has been waved as the ultimate blueprint for every broadcaster and distributor that followed suit afterward. But not every actor could replicate the experience with such a favorable outcome, mostly because each TV and advertising market across Europe has its own specificities to account for that don’t always drive incentives to invest in addressability on the main screen (source: Dataxis, ”Addressable TV in Europe: where do we stand one decade after AdSmart?”, April 2023)
Addressable TV – Active Solutions
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Contact HbbTV Association:
Angelo Pettazzi
Chair HbbTV Marketing and Education Working Group (MEWG)
email: angelo.pettazzi@kineton.it
Tel: +39 335 7614 596