
General Information (Last Update end 2023, source Dataxis)

Market in Volume

  • Population 48.5 mln
  • Number of TV households 19.3 mln
  • TV sets installed base 33.5 mln
  • Smart TV installed base 17.3 mln
  • Smart TV installed base 89% of HH
  • Addressable households on HbbTV devices 14.4 mln
  • Addressable households on HbbTV devices 75% of HH

Market in Value – Total TV revenues (FTA + Pay TV)

  • Total TV network revenues 3,778.4 in mln EUR

Market Structure – Top Broadcasters by Market Share (% of total TV network revenue)

  • TVE 28.6%
  • Forta Televisions 24.8%
  • Mediaset Espana 20.3%
  • Atresmedia TV 19.0%
  • Other broadcasters 7.3%

Addressable TV Market Status (source: Dataxis, April 2023):

HbbTV addressability also has bright days ahead in key markets of Western Europe like Spain. AtresMedia Publicidad was the first ad sales house to launch HbbTV addressable campaigns back in 2019, and was followed by PubliEspana at the end of 2020. Local publishers have decided to capitalize on this opportunity rather early on, and rightly so: Spain is the 5th biggest TV advertising market in Europe, and already more than 70% of its total TV households were using connected HbbTV devices at end 2022 (source: Dataxis, ”Addressable TV in Europe: where do we stand one decade after AdSmart?”, April 2023).

Addressable TV – Active Solutions

Top Broadcasters – References

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Contact HbbTV Association:
Angelo Pettazzi
Chair HbbTV Marketing and Education Working Group (MEWG)
Tel: +39 335 7614 596