General Information (Last Update end 2023, source Dataxis)
Market in Volume
- Population 19.0 mln
- Number of TV households 7.7 mln
- TV sets installed base 11.4 mln
- Smart TV installed base 4.1 mln
- Smart TV installed base 53% of HH
- Addressable households on HbbTV devices 0.7 mln
- Addressable households on HbbTV devices 9% of HH
Market in Value – Total TV revenues (FTA + Pay TV)
- Total TV network revenues 664.5 in mln EUR
Market Structure – Top Broadcasters by Market Share (% of total TV network revenue)
- Pro TV Romania 27.3%
- Intact TV Romania 21.6%
- TV Romania 18.3%
- Kanal D Romania 6.7%
- Other broadcasters 26.1%
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Contact HbbTV Association:
Angelo Pettazzi
Chair HbbTV Marketing and Education Working Group (MEWG)
Tel: +39 335 7614 596