Whitepapers & Presentations

Whitepapers & Presentations

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HbbTV Learning for Beginners

This book will take the reader into the world of HbbTV. It is meant for beginners who are interested in Hybrid TV and HbbTV, but who have a grasp of digital TV standards and technologies. Many thanks to the ABU and its authors having created this very helpful document!

Disclaimer: HbbTV welcomes materials created by others but cannot be responsible for any issues when it is used.

The book is available on request by email. Please contact Juha Joki, Sofa Digital (juha.joki@sofiadigital.com).

September 23, 2019

HbbTV ADB Explained

This presentation provides an insight into the HbbTV specification for Application Discovery over Broadband. It compares phase 1 and phase 2 of application discovery over broadband with the regular HbbTV application discovery over broadcast. It gives an overview of key aspects of the specification such as the watermark state machine, timelines and stream events.

September 12, 2019

HbbTV Whitepaper “The benefits of the HbbTV OpApp for operators and vertical models” v2.0

This whitepaper is an update to v1.1 and was created thanks to contributions from TNO (editor), Deutsche Telekom, HD+,
Yotta Media, SERAPHIC, KPN and Vewd. 

September 11, 2019

HbbTV Guide for IBC 2019

This document represents most of the exhibitors at the IBC 2019 presenting and demoing HbbTV services and applications. Please use this as your personal guide to get in touch with and talk to members and partners of the HbbTV Association!
September 9, 2019

HbbTV webinar on tools for DASH streaming with HbbTV

This presentation was provided during an HbbTV webinar which was held on 18th June, 2019. In addition the webinar can be re-watched on our YouTube channel.
June 25, 2019

HbbTV presentation at the European Digital Forum on 6th June, 2019 in Lucca

This presentation provides an overview on the current status of the HbbTV standard as well as an outlook to future activities of the Association (Presenter: Angelo Pettazi, Chair Marketing & Education WG). 
June 6, 2019