Unconference session ideas

This page shows the unconference session ideas submitted via the form found here. For more information about how the day will run and for advice on how to plan your session, see the Unconference Hub.

(If you would like to edit or delete your submission below, please contact info@hbbtv.org.)

How to bring HbbTV to Indonesia

(Session ID: UC24-016)

Proposer: Mika Kanerva, Sofia Digital

Summary of topic:

After Indonesian ASO, is there anything broadcasters can make their FTA platform better?

Session goals:

Is there anything what HbbTV and HbbTV members can do to promote HbbTV standard to be used in new counties like Indonesia. How HbbTV can give benefits to local tv stations if using this technology part of their future of TV broadcasting. They would like to hear – if there are any success stories of using HbbTV in any other countries to be shared?

Index of session ideas

Unconference Hub

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