Unconference session ideas
This page shows the unconference session ideas submitted via the form found here. For more information about how the day will run and for advice on how to plan your session, see the Unconference Hub.
(If you would like to edit or delete your submission below, please contact info@hbbtv.org.)
Content Provenance and Authenticity in an era of disinformation: solutions and a call to arms!
(Session ID: UC24-012)
Proposer: Bob Campbell (Resillion)
Summary of topic:
A discussion between those are already engaged in the mission to combat disinformation or are interested in finding out more about initiatives that are…
Session goals:
My aim proposing this is foster a discussion about the “Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity” C2PA and “Content Authenticity Initiative”, two organisations taking practical steps to address the challenge of manipulation and disinformation especially in media content and provide tools and approaches to provide a traceable content provenance trail, and verify the authenticity of sources. Hopefully this will involve both members and non-members and those familiar with the work of the organisations and to consider relevance to HbbTV.