Unconference session ideas

This page shows the unconference session ideas submitted via the form found here. For more information about how the day will run and for advice on how to plan your session, see the Unconference Hub.

(If you would like to edit or delete your submission below, please contact info@hbbtv.org.)

Web Assembly and HbbTV – Unlocking New Possibilities

(Session ID: UC24-009)

Proposer: Matthew Huntington, HbbTV Developer Portal Manager

Summary of topic:

Web Assembly (WASM) is a powerful technology that allows high-performance execution of code on web browsers, and its introduction to HbbTV could revolutionise how broadcasters and service providers deliver interactive services. This session is intended to explore these possibilities.

Session goals:

Brief sharing of the details of web assembly (WASM) so there is a common understanding of the technology. While it is widely deployed on desktop browsers many are not aware of its existence.

Sharing of developers’ experience with WASM both with HbbTV and in standard web applications.

Brainstorming of  what uses cases WASM and HbbTV could enable, the value these could bring, the challenges they could face and how they can be overcome.

Index of session ideas

Unconference Hub

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