Unconference session ideas

This page shows the unconference session ideas submitted via the form found here. For more information about how the day will run and for advice on how to plan your session, see the Unconference Hub.

(If you would like to edit or delete your submission below, please contact info@hbbtv.org.)

Increased Linear TV advertising thanks to integration of Digital Re-targeting, Digital Demand Side and Elimination of Zero Ratings

(Session ID: UC24-008)

Proposer: Moritz Wuttke, Konodrac

Summary of topic:

Digital buyers and digital targeting enter the world of Linear TV Budgets thanks to integration of Digital tools like re-targeting and Demand Side Platforms with HBBtv Audience Measurement. Konodrac shows how the world of Linear TV can finally profit from the targeting capabilities introduced and the additional advertising budgets re-allocated to Linear TV.

Session goals:

Showing the parallel worlds of Digital and Linear TV budgets
Showing the merge of the Digital tools of re-targeting with the power of Digital Buyers behind Demand Side Platforms into the world of Linear non-targeted advertising.
thanks to extensive audience measurement and targeted advertising over the more than 7 years, Konodrac will show how the best of both worlds collide to make Linear Advertising even more attractive for advertisers.

Index of session ideas

Unconference Hub

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