Explore HbbTV Milestones
The history of HbbTV begins a few years before 2010. This section features important milestones which paved the way for the ongoing development of the open standard from its beginning until today. One thing becomes clear: HbbTV is an international project, which has its roots in close collaboration by European market players and continues to drive the technical capabilities of broadcast and broadband networks and services.
Historic Material
In this area you will find interesting historic footage: pictures, videos, press releases, articles and presentations. The microsite 10 years HbbTV is an ongoing, expanding platform. We would like to add more material step by step. Do you have pictures, videos, articles, presentations or other material in your archive? You are welcome to get in touch with the HbbTV MarCom team to use this opportunity of sharing these important documents.
HbbTV: For the joint future of broadcast and broadband services
HbbTV is an evolving standard. The HbbTV Association and its working groups are constantly developing and adjusting the specifications in order to make the best use of their full potential and to continue driving the technical capabilities of broadcast and broadband services. The latest example is the recently published Targeted Advertising Specification (HbbTV-TA).
Quotes by Eyewitnesses
The development and success story of HbbTV in the last decade and earlier is the result of many people from different nations and professions working together. In this section you will find a selection of quotes by people involved with HbbTV and statements about how they see HbbTV personally.
Potential to become a global reference for the next decade
“As broadcasters and service providers are under pressure to fundamentally redesign the experiences they propose to their viewers, they increasingly acknowledge that HbbTV is the open technology platform they need to support this challenging transformation process. With their growing engagement and the support of manufacturers, HbbTV has the potential to become a global reference for the next decade.”
Vincent Grivet, Chair of the HbbTV Association
Crossing borders
“I am proud that I could start the development of HbbTV in Poland in 2012. HbbTV gives us a lot of possibilities that have enabled me to redefine interactive television, interactive TV advertising. By developing HbbTV applications I have the freedom to create new TV services, where there is no longer a border between what is broadcasted live or on demand. I am a huge enthusiast of hybrid TV based on the HbbTV standard.”